While some suppliers suggest a 20-30% Q/ Q step down in March, it is difficult to say what inventory already exists in the channel to make an assumption on March units. 尽管有些供应商称三月份季度产量环比将下降20-30%,很难判断渠道中本身有多少库存,因此难以对三月份的产量做出假设。
The consequence of this is that interfaces between the Portal application ( in the Channel Services layer) and components in the Process Services layer became too generalized. 这导致Portal应用程序(ChannelServices层)和ProcessServices层的组件之间的接口变得过于一般化。
If the ERROR container is present in the channel, then the response value will be normal; otherwise the response value will give CONTAINERERR. 如果ERROR容器出现在管道中,那么响应值就是正常的;否则,响应值就为CONTAINERERR。
Each GETNEXT API returns the container name present in the channel being browsed. 每个GETNEXTAPI都返回在所浏览的管道中显示的容器名。
In the channel facet, we can specify which attributes we want to display for the RSS channel and in the item facet; we can specify which attributes we want to display for every feed item. 在channel部分中,我们可以指定希望为RSS通道显示的属性,而在item部分中,我们可以指定希望为每个feed项显示的属性。
The MCAUSER can be set in the channel definition or dynamically by an exit. MCAUSER可以在通道定义中设置,也可以由出口动态设置。
And this process is repeated for all data contained in the Channel object. 这个过程将对包含在Channel对象中的所有数据重复。
We can set PUTAUT ( CTX) in the channel to force local authorization, but this requires every authorized ID to be registered in the local authentication domain. 我们可以设置通道中的PUTAUT(CTX)以强制进行本地授权,但这需要每个授权的ID在本地身份验证域中进行注册。
But that went slowly, leaving Windows 7 devices with wholesalers and retailers: The bad back to school period left a lot of inventory in the channel, which had a real impact on the initial sell-through rates for Windows 8, said Baker. 但那进展缓慢,将Windows7设备留给了批发商和零售商:糟糕的返校期在渠道中留下了大量库存,这将真正影响到Windows8最初的零售利率,贝克说。
The final element in this model, noise, is any disturbance in the channel that distorts or otherwise masks the signal. 这个模型中的最后一个要素,噪声,是信道中对信号的歪曲或屏蔽的干扰。
Power is important. The more power a firm has in the channel the more control it has over what happens in the channel. 力量是重要的。公司在管道中的力量越大,它对管道中事变的控制力就越强。
By use of this model, the temperature distribution in the channel can be described and the maximum junction temperature can be calculated. 采用该模型,可描述器件有源层内温度的横向分布,并快速预估沟道的最高结温。
It seems as though the boat would leave on schedule despite the danger of ice in the channel. 尽管在运河里有撞到冰的危险,看业船还是会按期开航。
You will now define names for generations in this dimension, the first generation in the channel dimension being the top, total level and the second generation being channel class and so on. 现在您可以给维度中的各代命名了,将渠道维度中的第一代置顶,将总水平和第二代设为渠道类(级)等。
One of a breed of small dairy cattle originally raised in the channel islands. 奥尔德尼乳牛原产于海峡群岛中的一种体型小的乳牛。
Marketing channel control is a progress that one channel member successfully influences the behavior decision variables of another member on the different level in the channel. 摘要营销渠道控制是一个渠道成员对另一个渠道成员的行为与决策变量成功施加影响的过程。
Try not to be a jerk in the channel, there's enough noise-to-signal as it is already. 请不要在那里喧哗,那里的信噪比已经非常低了。
Ms.O'Neill said the company has "very thoughtful conversations" with any advertiser who shows an interest in the channel. 欧内尔女士认为,公司会与任何对该频道有兴趣的广告主进行真正有思想的对话。
Nobody knows everything so do not hesitate to ask questions in the channel or in the mailing list. 没有人通晓一切,所以别犹豫,尽管在IRC频道和邮件列表中发问吧。
Research on the Two-phase Flow with Cylindrical and Cubic Particles in the Channel and Pipe Flows 槽道和圆管中柱状粒子两相流的研究
The Spanish fleet is in the channel. 西班牙战舰已经到达英吉利海峡。
Its basic idea is to find the shortest path in the channel of cumulation of video bit streams under jitter constrains. 它的基本思想是在视频累积码流的时间抖动约束通道中寻找一条最短路径。
While it was originally a term used from the UK to describe funds set up in the channel islands of Guernsey and jersey, these days the vast majority of such funds are not actually offshore at all, but very much land-locked. 它起源于英国,本是用来形容在根西与泽西海峡岛设立的基金。但今时今日,许多这类基金其实都不再是岸外,而多是内陆的。
Power Structure and Strategies in the Channel Substitute Relationship Network: A Theoretical Perspective Study 渠道关系替代网络中的权力结构与策略:理论视角的研究
A coding method of binary information in the channel. The rule of coding is shown in the table. 表示二进制信息的一种信道编码方法。
The convergence direction of bedding and the strike of petrified wood in the channel deposits and sheetflood deposits show that the paleocurrent flowed from northwest to southeast. 河道砾岩和漫流砾岩中层理的收敛方向及硅化木走向均表明本区古水流方向为近北西-东南向。
Temporay supports would have impeded navigation in the channel. 临时支架将妨碍河道航运。
Analysis on erosion and accretion characteristics in the channel during construction period of Yangshan Harbor 洋山港建设时期海域通道冲淤变化特征分析
You should always talk in a language that everyone in the channel will understand. 你应当使用频道中所有人都能理解的语言来进行交谈。
The exhibition hall interior plane district design, visited in the channel to propagandize the introduction exhibition board project work already to complete. 展馆内部平面分区设计、参观通道内宣传介绍展板的设计工作已经完成。